
Location: chennai, India

am curry in a hurry

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Doctor who turned into a kothanaar(mason)

The hospital where i work has a long list of visiting consultants. We have this senior doctor who is really senior that rules are a no no for him. He parks his car in a haphazard manner. Mind you he is not at all busy to rush like that. Today when i was out in the car park i found a line of cars on the drive way. Our senior doctor had parked his car in such a way no other car could take a turn. He has blocked the entire driveway. The entire drama is being watched by atleast a dozen drivers. One of the drivers requested the doctor to park his care elsewhere. To this our man has yelled 'POYAH'in tamil which means 'GETLOST'and moved to his room. By this time the cars formed a queue and chaos followed. My driver called the security to clear up the mess. The security rushed in to enquire about our doctors car. Who parked this car like this? Guess what was the answer? One smart driver among the dozen replied, "Sir, one kothanaar(mason)has come to the hospital he only parked it like this... i just couldnt stop laughing at the ingenuinity of this particular driver. For a moment, i was wondering if our doctor was the one who is really educated or the driver who called him the kothanaar? (the driver scored a point in a humorous way leaving me to think where we educated people are leading to?)